This report is automatically generated every day at Midnight
Maximums and minimums
Maximum temperature: +17,5 °C at 16:16:00 on 01 diciembre
Maximum humidity: 92 % at 23:59:00 on 01 diciembre
Maximum dew point: +14 °C at 16:16:00 on 01 diciembre
Minimum wind chill: +12,6 °C at 07:36:00 on 01 diciembre
Maximum barometric pressure: 1027 mB at 12:26:00 on 01 diciembre
Maximum wind gust: 13,3 km/h from 106° at 16:07:00 on 01 diciembre
Maximum indoor temperature: +21,7 °C at 02:24:00 on 01 diciembre
Average temperature: +15,1 °C
Average humidity: 84 %
Average dew point: +12 °C
Average minimum wind chill: +12,6 °C
Average barometric pressure: 1025,5 mB
Average indoor temperature: +21,5 °C
Rainfall summary:
Number of rain days: 0
Average of daily peak wind gusts: 13,3 km/h
Minimum temperature: +12,6 °C at 07:36:00 on 01 diciembre
Minimum humidity: 76 % at 16:11:00 on 01 diciembre
Minimum dew point: +10 °C at 11:17:00 on 01 diciembre
There are no valid heat index entries in the almanac
Minimum barometric pressure: 1024 mB at 18:26:00 on 01 diciembre
Minimum indoor temperature: +21,4 °C at 23:59:00 on 01 diciembre
Average maximum temperature: +17,5 °C
Average minimum temperature: +12,6 °C
Average maximum humidity: 92 %
Average minimum humidity: 76 %
Average maximum dew point: +14 °C
Average minimum dew point: +10 °C
There are no valid heat index entries in the almanac
Average maximum barometric pressure: 1027 mB
Average minimum barometric pressure: 1024 mB
Average maximum indoor temperature: +21,7 °C
Average minimum indoor temperature: +21,4 °C
(Entries are for the 24 hours ENDING at the indicated date)
Maximum rainfall rate recorded is zero
Total rainfall for diciembre: 0 mm
Days since rain: 17
Last Rain amount: 1 mm
Average of daily peak wind gust direction: 106°