FreeWX / WMR-928NX Automatic Weather Station

Personal page of: Carlos GR.D (EA7AJY) in :

Alhaurin de la Torre, Malaga , Espaņa (33.66 N - 4.54 W)

Weather conditions at 22:25:50 local time on 4 octubre, 2024 / Time UTC:20:25:50

Wind Chill
Dew Point
Heat Index
Wind Speed (gust)
Wind Speed (average 10 minutes)
Wind Direction (gust)
Wind Direction (average 10 minutes)
Rainfall Rate
Indoor Temperature
Indoor Humidity
Forecast (According to weather station)

+25.4 °C
43 %
1013 mB and Steady
+25.4 °C
+11.9 °C
+25.8 °C
10.1 km/h
8.6 km/h
240° (SW)
287° (W)
0 mm/hour
0 mm since Midnight
+27.9 °C
32 %
Partly Cloudy

Extreme conditions since Midnight


Maximum Temperatura
Minimum Temperatura
Maximum Humidity
Minimum Humidity
Maximum Wind (gust)
Maximum Barometric Pressure
Minimum Barometric Pressure
Maximum Rainfall Rate


+30.1 °C at 16:50
+21.2 °C at 08:26
68 % at 09:03
32 % at 16:59
27.4 km/h, 344° at 15:01
1015 mB at 13:26
1012 mB at 18:56

Powered by Andy Keir's FreeWX-Wi program.